Alessia Finotti

Ferrara University, Italy

  • Orcid: 0000-0002-7638-515X
  • Publications: 95
  • Citations: 1518
  • Keywords: microRNA targeting, Peptide Nucleic Acids, Thalassemia, Fetal Hemoglobin, Cystic Fibrosis, Gliome, Colon Cancer
Short Bio
  • Dott. Alessia Finotti is Assistant Professor in Biochemistry at the University of Ferrara and works at the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Section of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, (Italy). The research activity of her team is focused on the development of molecular strategies to modulate gene expression in the treatment of genetic rare diseases, including β-thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, Shwachman Diamond Syndrome and cancer (glioma and colon cancer). She has been working in the study of microRNAs involved in human pathologies for the development of new approaches of microRNA targeting and miRNA replacement. She has gained appreciable expertise in the field of mRNA and microRNA analysis and profiling, using standard molecular biology approaches, such as RT-QPCR, Droplet Digital PCR, microarray and small-RNAs NGS sequencing. Dr. Alessia Finotti is author of 96 peer-reviewed articles with 1562 citations to her work and h-index of 23 (source Scopus).